Deputy National Disaster Coordinator (DNDC), Mrs. Claricia Langley-Stevens, is joined by NEMA IT Technician, Lejon Lorenzo James, in receipt of a Satellite Phone which was donated by Community, Family and Youth Resilience (CFYR) Program in August, 2020. The donation, valued at US$1035.00, was made by CFYR Senior Operations Specialist, Mrs. Sharalee Benjamin-Kelly.
The CFYR IS A USAID-funded Community programme which supports vulnerable youth between 10 and 29 years of age. It has been implemented in fifteen communities in Guyana, St. Lucia and St. Kitts-Nevis. Taking a public health, evidence-based approach, the programme provides targeted interventions to youth at three varying degrees of risk. The goal of USAID’s CFYR is to empower youth in the targeted age range to become productive citizens who make positive contributions to society.
DNDC Langley-Stevens extended gratitude to the donor via Mrs. Kelly, sharing that the new phone will contribute significantly to NEMA’s Comprehensive Disaster Management strategic approach, going forward.